1.The school prospectus and Admission forms are available in the school office from the month of Feb, March, April.June andJuly for the ensuing year.
■ a) No system of registration a year or more in advance is non-existent in the school. Aadhar card is mandatory for the Admission
■ b) Admission tests are normally held in the month of Feb,March and June
2. A registration fee is payable with the submission of the registration form for admission per student. This fee is non-refundable and non-adjustable. The payment of the fee is not a guarantee of admission to the school. The admission can be sought after qualifying admission test only.
3. No child will be admitted without the Transfer Certificate obtained from the school last attended. If a student comes from a school other than Uttar Pradesh, the Inspector of the schools of the District of that state must countersign the Transfer Certificate.
4. Admission will be considered on the production of the following documents:-
■ a) Proof of Date of Birth
■ b) Latest Progress report of the student
■ c) Transfer Certificate
5. A student's name and date of birth,as recorded in the Transfer Certificate and Birth Certificate are official and legal and may not be changed subsequently by the school authorities. If any student,fails to return to school after any vacation,within three days of the official date of opening, without certified intimation to and written permission of the Principal,his/her name will be struck off from the school rolls.
A student seeking admission to any class will be eligible for admission to that class only if he/she :
● (i) Has been studying in a school recognised by or affiliated to C.B.S.E., Delhi or any other recognised Board of Secondary Education in India.
● (ii) Has passed the qualifying examination making him eligible for admission to that class.
● (iii) Satisfies that requirement of age limits (minimum and maximum) as determined by the State/U.P. Government and applicable to the place the school is located.
● (iv) Produces :
(a) The school Leaving Certificate / Transfer Certificate signed by the head of the institution last attended and countersigned:and
(b) Documents in support of his having passed the qualifying or equivalent qualifying examination.
New admissions are taken against vacant seats only.
No leaving certificate will be issued until all dues to school have been paid.
The school reserves to itself the right to dismiss students whose academic performance is steadily unsatisfactory or whose conduct is harmful to other students.
1. Since admission to Class XI is designated to be selective in the board's Scheme of education, students of Class X must apply to Class XI after their 10th standard. Forms for admission to Class XI must be collected from the school office. Dates will be announced to the children. If forms are not collected on the prescribed dates it will be presumed that your child will not be coming back for admission to the +2 classes. The completed forms are to be returned to the office on the prescribed dates.
Entry to the plus -2- course (AISSCE) is by selection and choice. Students are selected to class XI on the basis of their conduct and consistently good academic record in the previous classes. Thus entry to standard XI will be regulated by MERITS. Merit is calculated on the grade obtained in the AISEE Exam, as well as the record of the student's GENERAL PERFORMANCE AND BEHAVIOUR while he/she was in the school i.e. regularity, punctuality, proficiency in studies as seen in the home examination, extra and co-curricular activities etc. will be taken into account.
We have expert teachers. Early childhood education begins at home, and there are numerous books and television shows
We always try to take creative lessions. Early childhood education begins at home, and there are numerous books.
We always try to follow active learning.Early childhood education begins at home, and there are numerous books.
We have better environment for students. Early childhood education begins at home, and there are numerous books.